About UIBS and United Institute / Academic Partners


Dublin Business School (DBS)

Students from UIBS can continue in the third year of a Level 8 Bachelor degree programs at DBS (subject to admission requirements), students from UIBS holding a Bachelor degree can continue in the Master degree programs at DBS (subject to admission requirements), and students from certain programs may study abroad in Dublin for a a certain duration.


The New School for Information Services (TNSIS)

TNSIS students can continue for a second Bachelor degree (subject to admission requirements), and can continue in the UIBS Master programs (subject to admission requirements), as well as study abroad at UIBS for a certain duration. UIBS students in Amsterdam can complete additional courses at TNSIS.


Coventry University

Undergraduate students from all programs at UIBS may earn a second state-recognized university degree as part of or on top of their UIBS program. Read more about the validated Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Global Business program.


University of California at Berkeley (Berkeley Haas)

Undergraduate and Graduate students from across the campus network who are registered for certain programs may study abroad at UC Berkeley for one or more semesters in the Berkeley Haas Global Access Program (BHGAP); and Global Bachelor and Global Master students can complete their 3-continent requirement by studying at UC Berkeley for a minimum of one semester. Students with a 12-month program at UC Berkeley may also qualify for Optional Practical Training (OPT), a way to work full-time in a paid position for up to 12 months in the USA.

University of California at Irvine (UCI)

Undergraduate and Graduate students from certain programs may study abroad at UCI for one or more quarters, with an optional 3-month internship; Global Bachelor and Global Master students can complete their 3-continent requirement by studying at UCI for a minimum of one quarter; and Bachelor graduates can complement their program with the International Graduate Studies Preparation Program (IGSPP). Students with a 12-month program at UCI may also qualify for Optional Practical Training (OPT), a way to work full-time in a paid position for up to 12 months in the USA.


The one-minute animated introduction to UIBS
One-minute Introduction

Watch our animated one-minute introduction video to learn more!

UIBS Student Interviews
Student Interviews

Check out several interviews with students from our various campuses!

UIBS Professor Interviews
Professor Interviews

Check out several interviews with professors from our various campuses!

UIBS Graduation Ceremony in Barcelona, Spain
Graduation Ceremony

Watch the video of our most recent Graduation Ceremony in Barcelona!

  • "The school had an incredible nurturing environment that I felt comfortable growing in. It was very challenging as well; I felt very open talking to my professors and fellow students about pushing myself forward academically and as a person." Scarlett, Bachelor Student

  • "I’ve been able to create long-lasting friendships with international people from all over the world. UIBS has given me all the professional skills and tools I needed to develop in my career." Elvitz, Master Student

  • "The school is so diverse; you have the possibility to travel the world and change campuses. During the global study trip, so many campuses came together, and even if you don’t know the students, you have something in common and everybody is just one big family." Philip, Bachelor Student

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International Business School in Europe
Global Business School in Europe
European Business School in Europe
American Business School in Europe
Swiss Business School in Europe
English Business School in Europe
British Business School in Europe
Private Business School in Europe
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